On Thursday, 29th March, by the Rev. William Henderson, A.M., Mr. John Scott, to Miss Margaret Goodfellow, both of the Parish of Northesk.
At the residence of the bride's father, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. John Turnbull, Mr. Elijah Fowler, Merchant, Newcastle, to Jane, second daughter of Mr. John McAllister, Parish of Blissfield.
On the 21st ult., after a short and severe illness, Jane, widow of the late Christopher Clarke, Esq., in the 39th year of her age, deeply regretted.
On the 25th ult., Ellen, daughter of Mr. John Noonan, Merchant, aged three years and six months.
At Newcastle, on the 24th ult., of Pulmonary Consumption, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Mr. Wm. Benson, aged 43; a kind mother, an exemplary woman, and a humble Christian.
At Black River, Glenelg, on the morning of Wednesday, the 28th ult., Mr. Alexander McNaughton, aged 60 years.
Mr. McNaughton was a native of Perthshire, Scotland; and emigrated to this County in the year 1824. He was a man of a warm heart, and hospitable feelings: his door was never shut while the homeless poor asked admission: nor was his table ever removed while the hungry prayed for food. It was his lot to pass through many troubles while 'here below,' but the Sun of his earthly sojourn went down serenely, his hopes bright with immortality. 'Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.'