This magazine was published by the Anglican Church on Prince Edward Island. The editor is listed as Rev. Fred. E. J. Lloyd of Charlottetown.
It consisted of just 4 pages. However, my copy has Issue #154 of "The Dawn of Day", apparently published in London, England, stitched into the center of it. This second magazine consists of 16 pages, mostly short-stories and church teachings.
As a monthly at issue #20, it apparently started publication in March of 1889. The warning reprinted here indicates that publication may have ceased with Issue #22 in December of 1890.
I am curious to learn if the church continued to print after that date. I am also interested in learning if other issues are available at the PEI Provincial Archives or elsewhere, as the parish news portion is quite interesting for genealogists and historians.
I have transcribed all of page 1 and half of page 2. These are what one may consider to be the Parish News and Notes containing, among other things, some vital statistics. I have preserved the original spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
The Rev. H. W. Howe has visited most of the parishes of the Island, in the interests of King's College, Windsor, N. S., and we believe he has received a fairly successful response to his appeals. It is abundantly clear that if the Church of England in the Maritime Provinces is to be well and adequately officered that she must train her own candidates for Holy Orders, and at the same time also provide to some extent a free education for them. The College is, at present, in good hands, and no efforts are being spared to make it as useful as its builders and founders desired. We wish it heartily and sincerely God speed. Two Island boys - Messrs. Andrew and Foster, of St. Eleanor's and Charlottetown, respectively, have lately matriculated at King's and entered on their work within its walls.
No items have been received from the parishes of St. Paul's, St. Peter's, Charlottetown; Kensington, Crapaud, Milton and Alberton.
As we have but scant hopes that the Magazine will outlive the issue for the last month in the present year, we ask that all the parishes will forward such items of news as are of interest, to its editor, for the months of November and December.
Rev. Henry Harper
Port Hill: Hon. John Yeo and Edmund Birch
Lot 11: George P. Palmer and William Palmer
May 24th - Percy, son of Herbert and Mary Yeo
May 24th - Annie Louisa, daughter of James Harrison and Annie Yeo
June 8th - James Russeel, son of Henry and Ellen Dennis
On the 27th of May the Rector of this Parish received by mail a mysterious looking parcel, which on opening proved to be a very handsome private communion set. The kind friend who ordered this very valuable gift to be sent to the Rector, will please accept his very grateful thanks.
Rev. C. F. Lowe
Messrs. H. C. Mills and Fred. Green
The funds for the proposed Parish Room, to be built on the ground near the Church, are steadily increasing, though a far greater amount has yet to be realized before this greatly desired and much needed building is erected.
Katie Reid passed peacefully away into the strifeless world at the beginning of September. The body was first brought into St. Mary's for the usual service, after which it was interred in Summerside cemetery.
The Confirmation Classes are well and regularly attended. There are also private instructions for those unable to come to the Church. We pray earnestly for blessings upon us all. No Bible reading Christian can find legitimate excuse for lagging behind at a time like this. Mrs. Ritchie, of Fond-du-Lac, wife of a former Rector here, has been visiting her friends in this parish. She is on a tour through the Canadian Provinces.
The Revs. Richmond Shreve and Harry How, have each visited this parish - preaching powerfully on the respective Sundays they were there. Mr. How gathered $61 for King's College, but this is not a quarter of what this parish ought to do for our only Church University.
Rev. C. F. Lowe, S. A. C.
Messrs. George Compton and William Andrew
We have been (under God) sadly visited with bereavement, of late weeks, at this end of the parish. Mrs. George Compton, wife of our senior warden, has gone to her reward. Mr. Edmund Compton, a connection of the above, died but one week later. Our loss - we may reverently say - is a gain to the Blest in Paradise.
Minnie Cannon has been seriously ill with typhoid fever, but is now happily recovering.
The Confirmation Classes are well attended, although some are holding back. Upon them lies the responsibility of refusal. We are, none of us, too old to receive the special gift poured down upon us in the "Laying on of Hands."
Aug. 27th, Alfred Bernard Ashley, Alice Ethel Ashley, Gordon Alexander Ashley.
Sept. 11th, Arthur Layton Rogers.
Aug. 18th, Frank Jamieson, of Summerside, to Fanny Harris, of St. Eleanor's, East.
Aug. 23rd, John Owen Parsons, to Mary McArthur.
Aug. 25th, Alexander Pickering, of Stanley Bridge, to Rebecca Tamlin, of Summerside.
Aug. 28th, Capt. Joseph O. Green, aged 62.
Aug. 29th, Eliza P. Compton, aged 57.
Sept. 1st, Katie Reid, aged 26.
Sept. 10th, Edmund Compton, aged 68.
Rev. Fred. E. J. Lloyd
Mr. Jas. Easton
Messrs. Wm. Easton and Wm. Stevens
The subscription list toward the very necessary object of painting the exterior of the Church has been opened and some contributions have been received. We hope that we may be enabled to begin painting before the cold weather sets in.
We regret to have to chronicle the departure from our parish of Miss Eva Aitken, so long a leading singer in our small choir. She left for Boston last week. We wish her good success wherever she goes. We shall miss her very much from the choir.
There are no candidates for Confirmation from this parish this year, hence we shall not be honoured with a visit from the Bishop.
Rev. Fred. E. J. Lloyd
Messrs. J. P. Young and Thomas Crane
We are very glad to be able to report that the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia has consented to licence our esteemed parishioner, Dr. Beers (on the Rector's recommendation), to the office of Lay Reader for the parish. We feel sure that His Lordship's action will result in much good to the work of the Church in Cherry Valley.
A Confirmation Service will be held in Christ Church by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, on the afternoon of the 24th of the present month. We hope that a large congregation will be in attendance thereat. The number of the candidates is very small, but so also is the parish.